This month’s FI$CalTv episode, to be telecast on Thursday, September 24, will focus on the new Month End Close (MEC) Automation Tool, which is available to departments to ease the process of MEC activities. FI$Cal also will air other news and informational tips. Look for an email soon for details on how to access the show.
FI$Cal will add a new podcast as another avenue for users to gain insights from FI$Cal subject matter experts. The podcast, called “Round Table Talk,” is in the developmental stage and will start airing soon. Look for more information about the podcast next month.
FI$Cal is committed to providing timely and relevant information to our customers. We routinely solicit feedback from users on which topics would be of interest through surveys, interaction with FI$Cal relations coordinators, and meetings with department sponsors. If there is a specific topic that you would like highlighted in an upcoming FI$CalTv episode, you can email the idea to the FI$Cal CMO mailbox.
If you would like to receive FI$CalTv information and invitations, please go to the subscription page and sign up. If you missed our August FI$CalTv episode, you can view it on our YouTube channel.