The Department of FISCal (FI$Cal) continually makes updates and enhancements to the system based on feedback from our end users. Our goal is to improve usability while maintaining the highest level of security for the state’s data.
FI$Cal released the following enhancements in April (descriptions include ServiceNow case numbers):
Accounts Receivable
Request: CS0091622
- Request to add a new page for departments to initiate CTS to CTS Bank Transfer request, approve, and process the request.
- Request to add a new page for departments to initiate CTS to CTS Bank Transfer request, approve, and process the request – common object.
- Created a new page for departments to initiate CTS to CTS Bank Transfer request. This page will be used for department and State Controller’s Office (SCO) to approve the transaction. Designed a process to create deposits for both sides of the transfer.
- Additional code for CTS to CTS transfer enhancement with common object with CIP enhancement. Comment out the code on common object with CIP enhancement.
Request: EPIC80059-CS0314131
- Request to enhance existing Accounts Receivable (AR) auto reclassification process to update AltAccounts on reclassified items based on new SCO AltAccount changes.
- Request to reclass revenue AR items only if the AR line has ‘1200000’ account and carry same account and aefault AltAccount to reclassified item.
- Request to carry entry reason and AR distribution code from original Item to reclassified item.
- Updated code to use new SCO AltAccounts based on strings table.
- Updated code to reclass revenue items per the request.
- Updated code to carry entry reason and AR distribution code to reclassified Item.
Request: CS0342056
This enhancement is to add a comment field and a deposit type search field in the PS Query ZZ_DEPOSIT_SLIP_DETAILS.
Added comments field and DEPOSIT_TYPE prompt criteria with ZZ_DEP_ENTR_VW prompt table.
General Ledger
Request: CS0325584
Change to default the entry type to non adjustment entry when a journal is created using copy journal option with reversal date as “Do Not Generate Reversal”.
Adjusting entry can only be used with journal date 06/30/XXXX.
Modified Code in AE GL_JRNL_COPY
- Modified SQL in GL_JRNL_COPY.CA000.GETORGJR to default the entry type.
- Modified PeopleCode in GL_JRNL_COPY.CH000.JRHDRTMP to default the entry type.
Small Business/Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise
Request: CS0340313
Request to change Gross Annual Receipts (GARS) dollar thresholds for Small Business (SB) and Small Business Public Works (SBPW) certification. SB to increase from $15 million to $16 million and SBPW to increase from $36 million to $37 million.
Fixed code to update GARS dollar thresholds for SB and SBPW certification. For SB, increased GARS dollar threshold from $15 million to $16 million and for SBPW increased it from $36 million to $37 million.
Labor Distribution
Request: CS0307348
This enhancement is to add comments field in personal activity sheet in labor distribution module.
Added comments field in personal activity sheet. Modified Page ZZ_LD_PAS to add comments field.