by | Oct 14, 2019 | Newsletter, User Support
The next episode of FI$CalTv, one of our initiatives that connect system users to subject matter experts, is scheduled for WebEx broadcast on October 17 at 1:30 p.m. The topic will be purchase orders. FI$CalTv host Jim Caselli will hold an informative...
by | May 1, 2019 | Newsletter, User Support
In an effort to assist users, FI$Cal wants to highlight some of the resources available on the End User Access page of our website. Links include: The page contains useful information for FI$Cal users such as: User Access Request FAQ’s that answer some of the most...
by | Oct 2, 2019 | Newsletter, User Support
During our Imagine FI$Cal workshops in April, participants said that they wanted more communication opportunities with FI$Cal’s leadership and subject matter experts. In response to that feedback, we are bringing back our quarterly User Forums. The first in this new...
by | Oct 2, 2019 | Newsletter, User Support
Department 360 is a dashboard in the FI$Cal PeopleSoft application. Based on users’ feedback in a recent survey, those who have tried this dashboard find a lot of value in it. Department 360 provides quick access to several tools and reports displayed through...
by | Oct 2, 2019 | Newsletter, User Support
The FI$Cal Super User Template is now available in ServiceNow. The downloadable template, which has spots for photos, names, and contact information, is an easy way for departments to advertise who their FI$Cal system experts are. Super Users have advanced training in...
by | Oct 1, 2019 | Newsletter, User Support
Accounts Payable Question: What is the difference between “Save” and “Save for Later” (voucher)? Answer: “Save” means the voucher is ready for the Budget Check batch process. “Save for Later” is considered an “Incomplete Voucher” and it will not go through budget...