Hundreds of FI$Cal system users tell us they appreciate the information they get by watching FI$CalTv, and they consistently are asking for more. In an effort to deliver, the FI$CalTv staff is introducing a new show segment called “Table Talk.”
It will operate somewhat like a podcast, except that it will be part of the show itself, rather than a stand-alone feature. Table Talk will take place on a more casual level than the rest of the show’s interviews, with RCs (relations coordinators) talking with subject matter experts at FI$Cal and taking a deeper dive into issues and questions that users have been posing. We also plan to invite representatives from departments to join us at Table Talk, where they can have a discussion with our subject matter experts or RCs.
Power BI is one example of a topic in which user interest is high and we can take a deeper dive. It’s a big tool with a lot of applications, with more dashboards coming. When we get questions on this topic and can’t get to them all on a show, the next episode’s Table Talk can carry some of that discussion forward. Users can gain further insights not only into how tools and apps work, but also learn about some of the inner workings at FI$Cal – how decisions get made about our new products and customer-service offerings.
We want to hear from you on the topics you’d like to see covered. You can do that by responding to the survey at the end of each show or sending an email to the FI$Cal CMO mailbox.
If you would like to receive FI$CalTv information and invitations, please go to the subscription page and sign up. If you missed previous FI$CalTv episodes, you can view them on FI$Cal’s YouTube channel.