Question: It seems like the Plan of Financial Adjustment (PFA) Review page shows one amount per appropriation. Are we able to see the detail transactions for that number on the PFA review page?
Answer: No, this level of detail will not be available directly on the PFA Review page. Departments will need to use reports for this detail.
For PFA reports available to departments, please refer to the training on the FI$Cal Resources for Accounting page on the Department of Finance website.
Question: On the PFA Review page, is the project number our departmental project number or the State Controller’s Office (SCO) parent project? Is the program at SCO level or department level?
Answer: The departmental project number will be displayed on the PFA Review page. The program displayed on the PFA Review page will go down to the subprogram level.
Question: What if something was included in PFA that shouldn’t have been included; will there be a way to delete PFA transactions in review page?
Answer: Only PFA items should be picked up on the Review page. To be eligible to be picked up by the Review page, the transaction has to go through PFA validation first. It is not possible for something non-PFA related show up on the PFA Review page.