Updates to Open FI$Cal

Updates to Open FI$Cal

In 2018, the Department of FISCal (FI$Cal) established the Open FI$Cal transparency portal to provide public access to state departments’ expenditure data. Government code section 11862 requires FI$Cal to, “include a state transparency component that allows the public...
Updates to Open FI$Cal

Open FI$Cal Adds First Non-FI$Cal Department Data

Since it was first piloted in September 2018, the Department of FISCal’s (FI$Cal) transparency website, Open FI$Cal, has continued to grow and provide more useful information on the state’s expenditures to the people of California. In November 2022, the website took...
Updates to Open FI$Cal

FI$Cal Transparency Data Added to Statewide Portal

As part of our continuing effort to make the state’s expenditure data as accessible and usable as possible, the Department of FISCal has opened a new avenue for the public to access our data. As of mid-September, in addition to making data available on our...
Updates to Open FI$Cal

COVID Expenditure Data on Open FI$Cal

We have added a special dataset to our transparency site Open FI$Cal, containing details of the state’s COVID-19 related expenditures through June 2020. With this addition, California residents can now explore in more detail what the state spent money on early in the...